Shepherd Chartered Surveyors is bringing to market Central Bar in Prestwick for sale or lease.
The vacant public house is located in the centre of Prestwick Main Street in a prime retailing area with very few vacant units in the immediate vicinity. The area is one of mixed commercial use with a number of licensed trade businesses nearby.
Central Bar occupies the ground floor of a two-storey traditional tenement with one and two storey projections to the rear. The 1,535 sq ft property is fully fitted internally and comprises front bar, rear bar, cellarage, and customer toilets.
Shepherd Partner Kevin Bell said: “Central Bar in Prestwick is situated within a prominent town centre location within an established town centre circuit and, as such, we anticipate much interest in this opportunity.”
Offers over £210,000 are invited. Alternatively, rental offers over £20,000 per annum are invited. Interested parties should contact the sole selling and letting agent on tel 01292 267987.
For further information please contact Kevin Bell on 01292 267987
Issued on behalf of Shepherd Chartered Surveyors by Liquorice Media tel 0141 332 4935 www.liquorice-media.com
Date 8 Apr24